Pendant le voyage en Angleterre des 2ndes Euro, les élèves ont pu parler avec des habitants de Cambridge lors de l’enquête qu’ils ont menée sur la place du marché le 29 mars 2017. A la suite de l’enquête, vous pourrez découvrir les réponses apportées par les passants : nous voient-ils encore avec un T shirt à rayures et un béret ?
Survey about the way British people see France and the French
Hello, we’re French students, would you mind answering a few questions for a school project about the way British people see France and the French ?
1) Could you give us 3 stereotypes about France and the French ?
2) Can you quote 3 words which come to your mind when you think of French people ?
3) Did you learn French at school ? Yes / No
4) Do you know any French words ?
5) Have you ever been to Paris ? Yes / No
Do you really think it’s a romantic city ? Yes / No
6) What do you think about French fashion ?
7) Do you know any French dishes ?
8) Do British newspapers publish articles about France ? Yes / No
9) Do you know the name of the French president ? Yes / No
10) Who do you think should be elected for the next French presidential election ?
11) Can you name 3 differences between French and English football teams ?
12) Do you listen to French music ? Yes / No
Can you name a French singer ? Yes / No :
13) Do you know some modern French artists ?
For the statistics of our survey, would you mind telling us your age group ?
15-25 ☐ 26-39 ☐ 40-60 ☐ over 60 ☐
Thank you very much for giving us your time. Have a nice day.
The interviewee is : a male ☐ a female ☐
Click on the picture below to read the conclusions about the survey